Saturday, January 10, 2015

Fun days

This really doesn't have much to do with stroke but it kinda does too. Today my roommate and I went out to get her nails done for her birthday. We were close to the mall so I thought "hey lets go to the mall just for fun, not to buy anything, just to get out." But, of course we bought stuff (hair dye and shoes and piercings) and it felt really good to get out and do stuff. I told her we should do this at least once a month now just like a "roomie date." Then we went out to eat and just got to talk without worrying about school for a good 5 hours. It was great and I felt a little better about being back at school because I absolutely dreaded the thought of coming back (I just wanted to stay home and work). I'm really hoping we can do this more often because I really need it. I'm really hoping for a good semester. Oh and this is kind off topic but sometime in the next maybe 7 months I'll meet my boyfriend which makes me really excited for this semester. *crosses fingers*

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